Hijama Benefits

Some Basic Benefits of Hijama Therapy

Hijama (also known as Cupping) is a safe, traditional treatment that helps resolve chronic muscle tightness and pain

Hijama increases circulation

The suction from the cups increases circulation to the area where the cups are placed. The additional blood flow to that area can help relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair. Increasing circulation with Hijama also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Hijama encourages tissues to release toxins

Yes, you do have organs that remove toxins from your blood. But the modern lifestyle overloads your body with toxins. Hijama gives your body a boost in releasing those toxins. Focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (Your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating your body’s toxins and waste.)

Hijama reduces anxiety

When your therapist glides the cups across your skin, your parasympathetic nervous system engages. This promotes deep relaxation to move through your entire body. (Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing your heart rate, assisting in digestion, and increasing intestinal and gland activity.)

Hijama can improve varicose veins and spider veins

Varicose veins look like bulging, bluish veins just under your skin, usually on legs and feet. They happen when the valves inside the vein aren’t working properly—the valves don’t effectively push the blood from the muscle back to the heart, so the blood congests and the veins twist and bulge. Hijama helps by bringing fresh blood flow and oxygen back to the problem areas. You’ll notice your varicose veins appear lighter after your first session, though it will take a series of Hijama sessions for lasting results. (Note: only dry, not wet, Hijama is recommended for treating varicose veins. At Resolution Health, we only practice dry Hijama.)

Hijama increases circulation

The suction from the cups increases circulation to the area where the cups are placed. The additional blood flow to that area can help relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair. Increasing circulation with Hijama also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Hijama encourages tissues to release toxins

Yes, you do have organs that remove toxins from your blood. But the modern lifestyle overloads your body with toxins. Hijama gives your body a boost in releasing those toxins. Focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (Your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating your body’s toxins and waste.)

Hijama reduces anxiety

When your therapist glides the cups across your skin, your parasympathetic nervous system engages. This promotes deep relaxation to move through your entire body. (Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing your heart rate, assisting in digestion, and increasing intestinal and gland activity.)

Hijama can improve varicose veins and spider veins

Varicose veins look like bulging, bluish veins just under your skin, usually on legs and feet. They happen when the valves inside the vein aren’t working properly—the valves don’t effectively push the blood from the muscle back to the heart, so the blood congests and the veins twist and bulge. Hijama helps by bringing fresh blood flow and oxygen back to the problem areas. You’ll notice your varicose veins appear lighter after your first session, though it will take a series of Hijama sessions for lasting results. (Note: only dry, not wet, Hijama is recommended for treating varicose veins. At Resolution Health, we only practice dry Hijama.)

Wondering if Hijama could work for you?

Give us a call and make your free Appointment . Our Hijama Experts have been trained and certified in safe and effective Hijama techniques. You can choose to have a Hijama session as per your need.. The benefits of Hijama increase over time—consider a monthly membership for added savings and convenience while you enjoy the health benefits of regular Hijama Sessions.


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